In an effort to devalue your claim, insurance companies will check your social media postings. If you’re claiming an injury and you’ve posted a photo of yourself engaging in strenuous physical activity while the case is active, you’re putting your entire case in serious jeopardy.
So here are a few tips to keep in mind after a car accident in St. Petersburg:
- Make your social media accounts private or inactive
- DON’T post photos or details of your accident
- DON’T post how you’re feeling
- DON’T post photos showing you engaged in physical activity
- DON’T delete existing posts and photos
- DON’T share the outcome of your case online. Many times, the settlement is CONFIDENTIAL
It’s often the little things that make or break your St. Petersburg car accident case. And that’s why you need the experience and expertise of Itzkowitz Law at your side. Call our top-rated accident/injury attorneys in Tampa/St. Petersburg, at 813-461-6600 or visit to find out, for free, how much your case is worth.
Couple travel photo created by artursafronovvvv –