Rental Car Accident Attorneys
Florida is a destination state, and Tampa is centrally located to a lot of great destinations. From cruises to theme parks to world-class beaches, there’s a lot to see in the area. But getting around still means renting a car, and driving means taking a significant accident risk.
At , our rental car accident attorneys have the experience and dedication to help any vacationer suffering from injuries after an accident – and people in an accident with a vacationer. Our understanding of accident law and car crashes specifically makes us an ideal choice for you when you need to pursue compensation in complicated situations.
How To Recover When You’re From Out Of State
When you’re on vacation, you like to think your worries are behind you. However, if you get into a serious accident, you may find a new worry. Long-term trouble for accidents can follow you, but to recover compensation, you will need to pursue it through Florida’s courts.
We can be your representatives in every part of your case in Florida as you pursue the compensation you need for your injuries. Our understanding of Florida law and the courts and players in it will work in your favor while you focus on recovering at home.
Holding Out-Of-Staters Responsible
If the person who caused your accident is no longer in the state, that doesn’t mean you cannot recover compensation. They will still be held accountable in a Florida court. Whether they bought the insurance from the rental company or their at-home policy applies, the accident law in Florida is what matters. In rare cases, when the car itself was not properly maintained, there may be a chance to go after the rental company as well.
We are aggressive and determined to help our clients recover the compensation that they deserve to heal from their injuries. It’s our only focus, and we’re happy to take the lead.
Let Us Fight For You
Rental car crashes are not simple matters, simply because of the complex financial ownership and insurance issues at play. However, Our attorneys are not going to give up on a challenge. They’ll fight and persevere for you in the pursuit of your compensation. Call us at or send us an email to get your free consultation.